The Garden Of Health

Here at The Garden Of Health we look at health holistically. Our mission is to scan the globe in search for the best Health and Wellness products for you. From skin care to health supplements, that are always plant based, organic, free from and of course ALL NATURAL. We share in the same goal to get well and stay well; by providing you with Plant derived minerals and vitamins, organic skin care, all natural holistic treatment and alternative remedies and therapy.

The Garden Of Health Presents: Nourish facial oil voted no7 best skin organic serum on British Vogue

  • Natural supplements plant based trace minerals  full image

    Simply Naturals Plant Minerals

    Pre historic plant minerals that work at the cellular level. Contains full spectrum 75 trace elements and minerals in one tablet. Sourced from special mines, grown around 70 million years ago and buried deep underneath glaciers.

  • Holistic Natural Alternative Treatment

    111Direct Premium Organic Hemp CBD oil

    Certified Cannabinoid Full spectrum CBD Oil containing FULL RANGE of Cannabinoids (2.7mg in each drop) Supercritical CO2 extracted from Organic Sativa L Hemp Retained complete spectrum of Flavanoids, Terpines and Vitamins.

  • Simply Naturals Plant Vitamins

    Pure Plant Derived Multi Vitamins that work at the cellular level. Essential 16 in one tablet. Vitamins are just as important as minerals to maintain an ailment free state.